strong build

美 [strɔːŋ bɪld]英 [strɒŋ bɪld]
  • 结实的体格
strong buildstrong build
  1. He 's of strong build .


  2. They also have a strong build and like to stay active .


  3. My father is a man of strong build .


  4. He is a man of strong build .


  5. Tall and of strong build , she could carry two buckets of water or manure on a shoulder pole .


  6. At the same time the risk level for the strong to build their own model .


  7. The idea that strong marriages build a strong society isn 't exactly a revelation .


  8. He was tall , with a strikingly handsome , square-jawed face and a strong athletic build .


  9. In creating a private cloud , it is important to have a strong foundation to build upon .


  10. It should be guided by employment to analyze the students ' strong suit and build up the teaching thought of students-centered .


  11. IBM Lotus Symphony is a powerful set of document , spreadsheet , and presentation editors that provide a strong base to build a compelling package for your corporation .


  12. This article discusses certain theoretical significance and strong practical to build a private university library core competitiveness evaluation index system , some guidance and significance for the private university library to improve their core competitiveness .


  13. Palm is banking that a strong developer community will build a grassroots movement behind the Pre that can drag the company back from the brink of obscurity .


  14. As the core of the rural economy , rural finance is is inseparable from the strong financial support to build a new socialist countryside and to promote the agricultural and rural economic to develop better and faster .
